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Structure of the agenda

The agenda Rio Privilege is a monthly publication designed in A5 (105x148 mm).

Each page of the agenda is composed of 24 blocks (8 rows x 3 columns).
Each block contains the member ontact .
The page can also contain advertisements.
The blocks can be assembled to define a special pad that will contain the advertisement.

There are 24 types of advertising format pavers

- 1x1 is an ad in a single block (1 row x 1 column)
- 1x2 is an advertisement in two consecutive vertical stones (1 row x 2 columns)
- 1x3 is an ad in three consecutive vertical stones (1 row x 3 columns)
- 2x1 is an advertisement in four consecutive horizontal blocks (2 rows x 1 column)
- ...
- 8x3 is an advertisement in 24 consecutive blocks (the entire page)

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Categories of agenda

The agenda Rio Privilege is a monthly publication which is composed only of members residents in Brazil .

Each member is a professional belonging to one of the 13 categories.
01 Arts et Culture Antiquités, Artisanat, Bibliothèques, Centres Culturels, Galeries D'art, Travaux manuels
02 Bien-être Beauté, Coiffeurs, Nature et biologie, Saunas
03 Découvertes Excursions, Jardins, Musées, Parcs d'attraction et carnavals
04 Divertissement Animations, Carnavals, Cinémas, Spectacles, Plages Et Resorts, Théâtres
05 Sportif Salles de gymnastique, L'équipement Sportif, Club de sports, Courses de chevaux, Ecoles de football, Sportif, Golf
06 Shopping Agences De Mannequins, Centres commerciaux, Commerce De Bijoux, Fleurs, Joailleries, Livres (journaux internationaux), Boutiques de luxe, Cadeaux, Supermarchés
07 Hospedandos Auberges, Hôtels, Motels, Pousadas
08 Loisir Bars à bières, Coffee Shop, Lotterie, Cybercafés, Discothèques, Ecoles De Musique, Ecoles de Samba
09 Restaurants Adegas (Bars à vins), Aquilos, Bars, Bistrots, Buffets, Cafés, Cantines, Brasseries, Churrasquarias, Creperie, Divers, Français, Fruits de mer, Kiosques, Lanchonetes, Pizzérias, Restaurants, Restaurant Japonais, Restaurants Mineur, Salades, Selfs-service, Steaks-house, Végétariens
10 Santé Cliniques Cosmétiques, Cliniques Dentaires, Cliniques Vétérinaires, General Practitioners, Dentistes, Infirmières, Estétiques, Pharmacies, Hôpitaux, Laboratoires, Médecine Générale, Optique, Postes De Santé, Transplantatons capillaires
11 Services Avocats, Aéroports, Agences de biens immobiliers, Location De Voiture, Pièces autos, Notaires, Compagnies de lignes aériennes, Consulats, Stationnement, Eglises Et Temples, Tatouages Et Piercings, Télécommunications
12 Tourisme Agences de tourisme, Agences de voyages, Boutiques, Change
13 Transport Bicyclettes, Taxis, Transport Urbain

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Join the participant's professional

The professional may appear free in the agenda Rio Privilege.

To do this, he must complete the registration form MEMBERSHIP .
After acceptance by our customer service, the member will appear in the next publication of the agenda.

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Purchase location of ads

Any member listed in the professional agenda can buy advertising slots in the desired format (1x1, 1x2, 3x2 ...., 3x8).
It may also be mentioned in which category to place the advertisement in the form of the creation ANNOUNCEMENT

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Advertisers nonresident in Brazil

Advertisers residing in countries other than Brazil may purchase advertising space in the agenda RioPrivilege.
They have the status of their membership but coordinated not appear in the agenda which is normal given the very purpose of the site Rio Privilege.

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Travelers in Brazil

The visitors to the site, which will travel to Brazil, can download the agenda Rio Privilège . They may notice advertisements professional.

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